BitDegree Review : Is It the Best eLearning Platform

BitDegree Review 2021:

Pretty bored on quarantine and if you’re looking for some free online courses which provide enriched content then you’re in the right destination. BitDegree is a great place to start and you should check this out. Recently many online platforms are providing various online courses but the buzz for this particular platform is increasing day by day.

What is BitDegree?


It is an online course platform that provides various courses for digital marketing to any technical computing skills like data mining, game development, and many more. This thing is based on the blockchain system.

The primary focus of BitDegree is to make learning more fun. It has achieved its motto by gamified courses, scholarships, and many other amazing features. In this article we will give complete BitDegree Review.

What are the good features in BitDegree?

  1. Integrated gamification – In this features learning some tough topic is quite easy because uses some sophisticated technology. Which helps every individual to gain the insights more easily. It gives scholarships to many students. And most importantly it good for the solo learner which is quite necessary if you’re looking for some knowledgeable courses on an online platform.
  2. Perfect Education – Most of the educational platform focuses on theory but BitDegree also focus on practicals.
  3. Equipped With Technology – It has equipped with good technology so it helps employees to easily communicate with the companies.
  4. Cheap courses – BitDegree courses are very cheap and comes and you can use it for lifetime. Many tutorials, courses, videos and study materials are free to use and some of them are paid courses. Quality of BitDegree courses are very good.

 How to get started with BitDegree

  1. Register with your email, Facebook or Google account.
  2. After that you can login in their portal and browse their courses.
  3. You have to pay for the course you want to learn
  4. Payment options are paypal or credit card, if you will pay through BitDegree tokens you will get 20% discount.


How to use BitDegree?

When it comes down to online learning provider should make a user-friendly platform. This criterion is very important as everyone doesn’t come from a technical background so having a user-friendly platform will be good for them as it would be easy for the student to use that platform.

So BitDegree provides a user-friendly platform that makes it easy to use. Once you entered the homepage it will take you to the login/sign up page once you deal with this thing no of the courses will be visible to you and after that, you can enroll in it. The website is made of bright colors which makes it quite attractive.

These courses are unique as this course is not created by any individual. These courses are created by the company itself. The courses are licensed on the name BitDegree foundation.

Once you logged in you will be greeted with many rewards and learning levels.

A pop-up notification will be visible on the screen “start learning now” after that you can enroll in any courses. If it is a paid course then it will redirect you to another page which will ensure your payment. After the payment, you can access the course.

You can access hundreds of courses on this platform you can quickly search your interested course and select it and enroll the course. After all, this still having second thoughts that these courses are worth it or not. Honestly speaking the platform is one of the best platforms we have seen which comes with many interactive features, works with any kind of network condition.

Why BitDegree ?

  1. BitDegree tutorials section – They provide the best tutorial to their students on their website there is a section where various IT-related articles get featured. And this article section constantly updated with new IT-related topics. This feature is not available on any other platform you should check those sections it is worth it.


  1. Content quality – This is the deciding factor that investing your money in this platform is worth it or not. The quality of content is the most important aspect of a learning platform. They provide both free and paid courses after enrolling both types of courses we have concluded. Most of the aspect is quite good like the instructor analysis the topic and explain the topic in easy language. Other than that courses give the right information and the explanation of the topic through visual depiction is great. So overall the quality of the content is okayish.


  1. Price – It is also a deciding factor when it comes to learning platforms. In this thing, BitDegree has done a great job. It provides two types of course and the other one is a paid course. Even though they provide free courses with a certificate is quite unusual as most of the online learning platform does not provide free courses other than that they also paid courses comes with a great deal. It varies on duration or quality. But ButDegree gives a discount on high-cost courses which makes it easier for students to access this high-quality content.


  1. Students learning experience – Most of the students have a good learning experience not just because of high-quality content also because of the user-friendly platform. Overall they have gained much new knowledge and most of them have said they will go to enroll in other courses. You can also see students review on their social media platform or their official website. You can go through this review section before investing in any course.


  1. Quality Education – BitDegree has the best teacher’s for each and every courses. The teachers/instructors are digitally skilled, so they can teach easily on online platform.

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BitDegree Courses :

BitDegree has several courses; you will get many courses here. You can also apply for many courses at the same time.  Now we will categories the courses.

  1. Coding Web development, Programming languages, Game development, and code theory.
  2. Business – Business, E-commerce, Marketing.
  3. Others Blockchain, Graphic design, Data science, Machine learning, and Personal development.

Some bad aspects of BitDegree

We want to shade some problems regarding this platform one thing is that compare to another online learning platform it is a bit of new and the platform is quite bluff. Moreover, very few community features have been done by it.


Is it even worth investing in? Honestly, it has some promising features like gamification and many more. So give a shot is worthwhile. We have done our research and after that, we have provided the basic structure. Hope this article has given you the necessary information you were looking for.

Raaj Kumar
Raaj Kumar

My name is Raaj Kumar, Admin of I am a part-time blogger and SEO expert with a passion for doing something different. I am from India. I am self-employed and always eager to learn something new, which helps me to gain knowledge about many new things.

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