MilesWeb Review: 8 Signs to Switch to VPS Hosting from Shared Hosting

You probably use a shared hosting service if you’re like most individuals who maintain a website, whether it’s for a business or a blog. When you’re just getting started, shared hosting is the most common and least expensive hosting platform.

But what happens as your website grows in demand? When your site’s traffic grows, or you wish to add more functionality, that shared server might not be enough.

So, how do you go about it? While you might not be ready for dedicated server hosting—which has its benefits but can be costly for a small business—it could be time to consider VPS hosting.

VPS hosting is a hybrid of low-cost and high-cost hosting options. Multiple websites are hosted on the same server, and the server resources are shared. One account is placed on a single server with dedicated hosting. VPS hosting combines the two by providing you with a dedicated server on a shared virtual machine.

A VPS costs more than a shared server but less than a dedicated server. So, how do you know when it’s time to change? 

If any of the pointers apply to you, you need a switch from shared to VPS hosting:

#1 When Your Website is Slow

When it comes to internet speed, people are impatient—you’ve slammed your desk a few times because a webpage took too long to load. You don’t want your visitors to be irritated while they explore your website. If your site takes a long time to load, it’s generally because the shared server is overburdened. It’s no longer appropriate for you.  You’re probably employing plugins that produce repeated PHP and SQL database calls as your site grows in traffic and functionalities. Those queries are often too much for shared servers to manage.

#2 When Your Website Generates Revenue

If you’re earning money from your website, through services, or an e-commerce store, a VPS ensures high performance, security, stability, uptime, and support.

You get your IP address with a VPS or dedicated server, which protects you from difficulties on other sites. When running a business, this is critical since any downtime costs money.

It also gives increased security. You can’t do business on a shared server if consumers provide critical information, such as credit card accounts. To encrypt online transactions, you need an SSL certificate and other security parameters for your website.

#3 When Your Website Experiences Downtime

What’s worse than a website that takes forever to load? A website that isn’t working at all. That is what we refer to as downtime. When a server becomes overburdened, it slows down and finally shuts down, resulting in downtime. Once it stops, your website will be unavailable until the server is repaired. Overburden occurs due to another site sharing the server, rather than yours.

All types of hosting servers experience downtime from time to time, but if you’re not sharing a server, the danger is reduced. Look for a hosting provider that has an uptime that is as close to 100 percent as feasible. MilesWeb is one of the hosts that offers a 99.99% uptime guarantee on all the Linux VPS hosting plans.

Linux VPS hosting plans.

As all the VPS hosting plans offer a dedicated IP, the downtime issue is reduced.

You can also check their unmanaged VPS hosting plans.

#4 When You Get Warning from Your Host

Downtime reflects poorly on a hosting provider, and if your site is the source of downtime on a shared server, you’ll be informed.

Your host may send you an email if your site begins to consume too much of the shared server’s resources, such as CPU and RAM. Even though you have unlimited bandwidth and storage, a hosting firm might terminate your account if you use resources exceeding your limits.

But, if you are using a VPS hosting plan, you are cutting down on all the mentioned problems.

#5 When You’re In Charge of Several Websites

You may manage all of your sites on a shared server if you have more than one. One size does not, however, always fit all. You may desire a dedicated IP for one of your sites if it starts to expand or if you use it to earn cash, something you can’t do with shared hosting.

As your sites expand and change, moving them to a VPS can provide you with greater flexibility and control.

#6 When You Expect Best Website Performance

According to the survey, web users expect sites to load in two seconds or less, and visitors may quit a site if it takes more than three seconds – that’s not a lot of time to squander. According to the poll, 79% of online customers will not return to a website if they have a bad experience.

When you consider that just milliseconds may affect whether or not customers will do business with you, choosing the right hosting plan is a crucial business choice.

Because your users do not have to queue with other sites’ visitors to access yours, a VPS hosting plan is nearly always quicker than a shared hosting plan.

VPS hosting provides additional server resources and processing capacity, which improves the performance of most websites and increases the likelihood of conversion. If your site isn’t too large, a shared hosting package will probably be enough. You’ll undoubtedly notice the difference if your site is large or relied on for business and income development.

#7 When Your Website Needs Highest Security

Because there are more sites in a shared hosting environment, there is often a higher chance of security breaches – and more websites equal more opportunities for attackers. 

Customers using shared hosting are the least knowledgeable about web hosting security.

VPS hosting is beneficial for websites that deal with a lot of customer data or payment information. VPS hosting provides comprehensive security protections that are maintained by seasoned professionals, so you don’t have to worry about critical data security.

#8 When Your Website Requires Resource Scalability

The capability of a hosting account to handle the development of your website is known as scalability. When picking between shared and VPS hosting, this is frequently the decisive factor. Scalability encompasses several factors including, storage and server capacity.

If your site receives 10,000 visitors per month on average, a VPS host will be able to handle it. A shared hosting package, on the other hand, may not be able to keep up as your website grows and expands. Although shared servers have limitations in their capacity to handle rising workloads, VPS hosting plans offer virtually infinite potential in this regard.

Resources can be modified to react to changing traffic patterns – for example, e-commerce companies will almost certainly require extra bandwidth to meet the Black Friday demand. A VPS hosting package is usually a wise investment if you intend to add more content and traffic.

Some website owners choose an inexpensive shared hosting plan to test a concept first, then upgrade to a VPS plan later. However, if you expect significant expansion, you might wish to start with a VPS server. When user demand exceeds server capacity, you’ll have no choice but to increase your plan.


So there you have it: eight indicators that it’s time to upgrade to VPS hosting. If you’ve had your site up and running for a long and it’s been successful, you’ve come into some of the problems listed. Consider upgrading to a VPS if you want your site’s performance to stay up with its expansion.

If you’ve only recently launched your website, a shared server could be the best option for you. However, you should always plan. As your SEO and site ranking improve and you get more traction, you may want to consider investing in a virtual private server (VPS).

Raaj Kumar
Raaj Kumar

My name is Raaj Kumar, Admin of I am a part-time blogger and SEO expert with a passion for doing something different. I am from India. I am self-employed and always eager to learn something new, which helps me to gain knowledge about many new things.

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